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Flying out of Icy Bay

7 minute read

As we reached the end of the peninsula surrounding the enormous Malaspina glacier, we entered Icy Bay, named for its frequent icebergs floating in the bay. A...

Rounding the Malaspina Glacier

15 minute read

We stayed in Yakutat for 5 days, waiting for better conditions to start the next section. We first stayed at the Yakutat Lodge, a fishing lodge by the airpor...

Rain on the Outer Coast

7 minute read

The Outer Coast is a roughly 140 miles section of beach stretching from Icy Point to Yakutat. Large sections of the coast are sandy, some hard packed and eas...

Getting to the Outer Coast

12 minute read

We made it to Yakutat! It was a long 15 day stretch from Gustavus without resupplies, where we saw many more bears than people! Indeed, it was so long, there...

Whales and Yawns while Paddling

4 minute read

We made it to Gustavus in two long days. On our first day it was still pretty windy but at least it was not raining. We walked along the coast and found a lo...